A little bit of nothing really….

To Quote Britney: “oops, I did it again”. I promised myself that I would stop all the partying and late nights, but instead I went on a pub crawl and the next night I stayed up till 3ish… Why do I have absolutely no self control?

Just over two weeks until holidays. I cant wait, purely because I get to see my friends and family again, mostly my dog. Yeah, im counting down the days (18 fyi) and I said I would not do that, I would live in the moment… but Im bored of the moment… I want time to fly.

I have not taught for a month now and its become too natural… any one know of a man I can marry who will support me for life? hehe.                                                                              I have a full week of doing nothing, again… its finals now, so they’re all writing tests. I have not been told that I wont be teaching, but they haven’t told me for the last month, so yeah… I assume.

The festival is on this week too, but only comes alive at night, so I haven’t seen the full thing yet… SO this king nari fest is a heritage festival, its beautiful, so many lights and flowers…. dancing and tons of stalls.They opened it with a giant parade which lasted about three hours. Then there was plays and shows etc. I avoided it because I hate watching the animals being ridden, literally just makes me cry, like on the spot I just burst out in tears. I Have had many a people casually walk away from me as I am wiping tears away from my eyes. hahahah.

On the bright side, the new shipment of teachers will be in next term and all the negative old teachers are leaving- yay. Not that they are bad people, gosh no… beautiful hearts but too much drama. So im so thankful for the upcoming change and new adventures.

Sadly, a few of my good mates will be leaving but if they are true, they will stay in touch. If not, they influenced my life, taught me a lesson and are continuing on their path… no hard feelings. 🙂 so that’s all for now… 🙂






You know when a boy says all the right stuff to you… you walk away for a little while and when you return he’s grabbing some girls bum and she is kissing him…. yeah! STORY OF MY LIFE.


Surprisingly, I just laughed. I have become so used to people doing stuff that I’m morally opposed to.

I watch videos on FB and My heart beats super fast when I see an animal being featured because I know humans are evil and this animal is probably being hurt or about to be killed. (n 90% of the time I’m correct)



However, I have become heartless to humans… like I am not going to hurt them and I’m still going to try help as many as I can… duh!!! But I don’t feel much for Their well-being. I speak like I am not one of them… hahahah!!

Anyway, this is just a blog about my continuous disappointment in humans, in men and the fact that I may have given up on people changing.

So, not a positive one at all.


—Three weeks left of work, then a new adventure begins. super excited.

I am leaving Lopburi, moving an hour away to Ayutthaya. It will be a good change, new people and hopefully more teaching.

— I waxed, lol and now I have a red line on my upper lip cause it was shit wax and it ripped my skin. ( its funny, I look like Hitler)

— I’m finally toning up again, tired of jiggling… yay ,me! also, sweating is gross lol


— my besty is staying in Thailand… she was gonna move but is now staying to study… woHOO.

— FESTIVAL STARTS THIS WEEKEND… ill write about it next time.

—Get to see my doggy soon, so hyped.

—okay, that’s all folks!!!


Thailand is ummm…different.

I mentioned that Thailand wasn’t what I expected…. now to share what Thailand is like.

I have been blessed enough to travel a little bit and have noticed a few things about the thai way….

  1. Thai time- yeah, since they are very relaxed people (wait till traffic) there is minimal rushing. They will arrive for meetings or lessons or school or lunch anywhere between 10 -45 minutes late and its OK. yup, no one gets cross and walks out. They apologise and life carries on.
  2. Food arrives at different times so no waiting for all meals to arrive before dishing in… nope! You get your food and you start eating. The next plate may arrive in the next 5 minutes or like in half an hour…. its normal, no point in complaining.
  3.  You eat with a fork and spoon… goodbye Knifes. You will learn to cut up food with a spoon. A mate of mine can de-shell a prawn using a spoon and fork. Yup, first its odd eating with a spoon but now i cant think of how the food would fit on a fork…lol
  4. If you think the car is going to pull in front of you, you are correct.– TRAFFIC IS A BITCH,. I used to get panic attacks when I knew I had to hit the streets. Bikes swerve in and out of traffic, up one ways and AROUND cars. Cars will just pull in front of you while you are driving at a safe speed and distance from the next vehicle…. Going past a stop street??- slow down cause signs mean very little here. Cops helps a tad. But also not really hahaha.
  5. THAI WOMAN ARE THE SCARY ONES- yeeeah, submissive asian woman is not a thing here, these woman will rip you a new one. They are strong and independent. I LOVE IT just don’t get on their bad side, just turn and run.5
  6. Yes, they are sweet but not exactly hygienic…. Now I say this lightly as I have lots of Thai friends  who are just great, however, a lot of people walking up the street or sitting at the shops will randomly spit, pick their nose, pat the dog and then eat their meal. Smoking and walking, eating, driving…. it’s a thing here. Not great as a non-smoker. mmmmmmm, some guy was cutting his toe nails on the train…. see what im saying. There are also a lot of homeless people, which breaks my heart because I want to help them.0
  7. Monks are everywhere, they are sweet and quiet and people will approach them in the streets and give them food offerings and proceed to bow and pray? I don’t actually know what they say to them but i see this a lot.1
  8. WHERE ARE THE POOLS? its bloody 34 degrees and I WANT TO SWIM…. but no, no one owns a pool, there are no pools around the town. Some hotels have and you can pay to go there. Houses don’t have pools….. it’s just not a thing.
  9. Spirit houses– they have what I thought was a very elaborate post box, but alas it is a spirit house. To house spirits…. that simple. They leave food there and water with a straw ( no messing lipstick) and then light incense. It’s odd for me because its new but a very common activity here.
  10. Plastic, plastic, plastic- They love plastic bags- I literally ordered a bottle of water, its got a plasic seal on it, they put it in a plastic bag and the put that into a bigger plastic bag. I got a plastic straw wrapped in plastic too. Its soooo much. 11
  11.  last one- the language barrier, I will say a word and they will repeat it. “Thats what I said” but with out an accent. Yeah…. I literally said “computer”and NO ONE knew what I was saying- eventually some one translated and said “compUtEER”( ACCENT) And like magic they all knew what I was on about. hahahaha Its different. Not bad, just different.

So there is just a few things about Thailand that are different for me…. still love it, still dont want to go back home or leave the country. Havent studied thai for a month now, but im getting by.



There is a certain amount of beauty in the comfort zone… its familiar, safe and well… predictable. Which, at times, is exactly what we need. It is however exactly what I was trying to escape when I packed my bags and travelled 10 hours away from home.Comfort Zone Quotes - A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but n

The first three months here were most definitely out of my comfort zone, new people, new places, new experiences and I was so happy. I have not felt that sense of freedom and excitement for a long time. However, everything has an expiry date and I began to settle again, I got used to my town, got used to my routine and got used to the people I saw every weekend.


yup, I have a new comfort zone. DAMMIT!! Even they way I approach new people has reverted back to my old, lame way. “hi, hehe… um, I gotta go” :/4

I was thinking about all this one night when I desperately needed sleep. I decided right there and then to change this before I begin to build up walls again and become a social recluse.


I have had a wall up for MANY years, but I have worked on tearing it down BY MYSELF…. yup…. Only I can make myself happy… yes people can contribute to my happiness but they will not determine my state of mind. I learnt that the hard way,  yay personal growth. 🙂 This took a few years and I’ve been wall-free for a few years now and its been amazing!!!!


ANYWAY…. I am still young (ish) and wild and free and intent of spending this time living the life i want to live… doing the things I want to do… no regrets.


That being said, I am going to make enemies, I already have made a few just by befriending different people…. will that stop me? HAHAHA no! I’m done pleasing everyone…. don’t get me wrong- I’m not going to go out and be a douche to you to make myself happy…. I still believe in being a good person and minimising hurt and suffering. But I will not sacrifice myself anymore to ensure someone else is happy.



So this is me publicly declaring my escape from the comfort zone that I have developed…. Change is going to happen- I am putting it out there.


That’s all she wrote!

Finding peace in weird moments

Now at the risk of sounding like kungfu panda I think I have discovered some inner peace. Things that would bother me soooo much back at home are now insignificant and actually make me laugh to think about how much power it had over me.

Okay, contextualise…….

So yesterday was my sperm donors birthday.  Well, he was married to my mom and they had me in the conventional sense I guess, but he was not a dad to me, hence his nick name.


Moving forward, I wrote him off many years ago and have had people lecture me for days about forgiving and making peace. The thing is I have made peace and have forgiven him but that doesn’t mean I need to develop a relationship with him. This was years ago- why do always go on a tangent?



Soooooo, I have not wished him happy birthday for years, why should I? But yesterday as I looked at the date I remembered it was his birthday and I felt the conviction to text him… Nothing soppy or mean, just a simple “happy birthday”. Why not make someone feel appreciated, or loved, or special?

I just had so much peace in me that I felt like I wanted to do this. And that even if I did not get a reply I would be ok.

Thailand is doing what I wanted it to do, help me grow and be a better person. I have a long way to go, I know this but baby steps. Yay 🙂 11

What goes up must come down.

I have basically been reliving my early twenties, problem is my body doesn’t recover like it used to. NOPE! She is shouting at me constantly… “BITCH, IF YOU’RE TRYING TO KILL ME, I’LL KILL YOU FIRST”


Yup, these constant flu-like symptoms are getting worse by the day. Yet I continue to drink and stay up late. :/

The problem is, even though I feel like warmed up poo, I cant stop… well I don’t want to… I want to socialise, I want to stay up late and sing and dance and chat…. its what I stopped doing in SA cause I was over it, but now that im in a new country, new vibe- I wanna meet people and do these “young, stupid things”….2

I just wish I felt better after the epic nights.

Any suggestions? 🙂

"Only one a day, my dear, that's my secret." (Man has giant glass of wine).



Living for the weekend…

Have I fallen into routine again?

One of the reasons I left SA was because my life was on a loop. I had a routine and I never seemed to be able to get out of it.C5F0BA5C-410A-4D18-83F2-84414FB76E5B.JPG

In Thailand, everything was new and I became so adventurous. There was no routine because I was so unsure about everything, where to go, what to do…

However, now that I work daily from  7:45-4pm Monday to Friday, I have developed a tad routine–

7:40 –> rush to work, always late… why??

8:10–> go to Nooms for coffee and food.

11:00- come back for a class ( oh, you want to cancel my class, again? okay..)

my office, when empty…

11:10–> facebook till I hate people, bug Lithuanian friend, Thomas. Maybe go for another coffee

14:00–> come back to the office and then wait for teacher training.

15:00–> waiting for teacher training.. why is everyone avoiding eye contact?

15:30–> realise they are not going to attend class.

16:00–> pack up awkwardly, are they judging me?

16:10–> walk out the office and do a weird wave and bow to say bye.

16:30–> home and relieved… wait, whats for dinner?

17:00–> nooms? yeah, why not….

18:30–> movies in bed. shower first of course.

22:00–> bed time… well face book and instagram till I hate people more.

soooooo, really boring! 

I now live for the weekends. Weekends I meet up with friends for drinks, we tour, we sing, we laugh, we travel…… I get that that is life… but I don’t want to be so bored during the week!!! I want to love every minute like I did the last three months.


Maybe its time for a country change?

Happy new year 2561

oooooh yes, I saw this and thought I was in the twilight zone. 2561.

NewYear2018-1068x661Thailand uses two dates, 2561 and 2018. something about epochal dates or Buddhist calendars which are 543 years ahead of the Gregorian calendar I’m accustomed to.

Any way.


So new years here is a huge celebration; lanterns and fireworks, alcohol and dancing. Same as home. the difference is that they give gift to wish you a happy new year.

That’s new to me. So after my 7th gift I decided to go get books and pens and write A LITTLE NOTE to say happy happy. I feel so awkward when they thank me for the gifts. Its so small yet I receive HUGE smiles and lots of wai’s.

I don’t know if I got enough lol, but least I did what my mommy would have told me to do.

Thanks mom 🙂

Appreciating the little things.

This weekend was so needed. Not that I worked hard the week before, but I just needed a relaxed weekend.

Nadia came to visit on Friday night and that’s when Lopburi became our play ground.3

We met up at Nooms ( surprise!) and then went to Tobies for “one drink”, but at 2am we decided to call it a night and go home. Saturday we woke at 10:30 and needed breakfast urgently.1

We explored the city on the scooter, just driving on the scooter with two people is an adventure, and saw sooooo much beauty in the old ruins. A drink by the river and then an afternoon nap. movies and snacks until 11pm…. so chilled yet packed with laughs and so much fun.

cocktails at nooms

You don’t need to do crazy things, spend a lot of money or travel far to enjoy your days.

I really do love this country, the safety and the people.

Feeling so blessed, so loved and so appreciated.



So, I am in Thailand. It’s nothing like the pictures…

So thailand, right!Four months ago I came over to Thailand. I saw the pictures that are circulating the internet and figured that I cannot go wrong. Beautiful beaches, fruit stands everywhere and sunny weather, right?


That’s the “tourist area”, Phuket and Chaing mei. That’s a tiny piece of the country that has been modified to accommodate the high standards of tourists. Nothing wrong with it, but I was sent to the middle of the country, an adorable little town called Ayutthaya. Once the capital of Thailand, now a town of ruins and temples and sooo many coffee shops. All city and flat lands. Where is the beach? :/


The houses are simple and appears dilapidated but you know, they’re not. The hotels are quaint and the restaurants are like little sidewalk cafes. Picture Johannesburg cbd but cleaner and more stray animals. Kind of!

The first week or so I thought I was going to die. Honestly, it was so hot throughout the day and even when it rained it was hot. We were always wet with sweat (or rain) and my face was always glowing. I was given a bicycle and had to ride around in a skirt and in the heat for 3/4 kms a day (not much but I haven’t done exercise for years)


I stayed in Ayutthaya for a month. I did a tefol course regardless of my teaching degree (I figured it was a good way to adapt, get used to the country, make friends etc. before I started working), stayed with a bunch of south Africans who also decided to do the course and we all became super close.


I started to enjoy the bike rides and the routine we had made. The food was so cheap and good. Snacks were so readily available and we had the money to buy it all. (The rand is actually a strong currency compared to the Baht, wow!!)

Then, I got called in to be told what school I was going to be teaching at… some long-ass named school in LOPBURI. Where the hell is LOPBURI??

I went into a cold sweat as my course leader was explaining the procedure of moving away from the town I was calling home. I was thinking about making new friends, getting transport, restarting AGAIN.

She promised that she would take me through to see the school and help me find an apartment. Sure, super sweet but at that moment I was wondering how I could stay in Ayutthaya, how I could stay with my friends who were all placed in schools nearby.

Alas, the time to move came quickly and I accepted my fate. Nadia, a lovely lady who I met and can now call a close friend of mine, came with me to help me shop for my apartment and explore a tad. THANK GOD!I wasn’t alone.


So, I arrive in Lopburi and there’s monkeys everywhere. Adorable little things but like, so many. A good change to the hundreds of street dogs in Ayutthaya. There were still dogs on the streets here, but a lot less.

Anyway, we went shopping, we went for a drink and explored this new city. It wasn’t as scary with a friend by my side.

Nadia left on Sunday evening and I went home to cry. I was scared. I was 30 and alone in a city where I did not know a soul. Going to work at a school the next day where I couldn’t speak the language, didn’t know who or what I was teaching or what to do. Completely lost.

Monday morning I woke up early, put on my skirt and top and took a walk to school. Walk- yes, I did not have a scooter or bike and I needed to get to work. I enjoyed the walks to school over the next month… it was peaceful but hot. So hot.


I eventually got more settled, met people at work and made some friends.  I learnt to ride a scooter and rented one. I explored more and more and became a regular at a guest house named NOOMS.


They make amazing food, always have foreigners popping in and they speak English. Yay!!

I decided to start learning some Thai as I really battled to communicate here. I visited Ayutthaya every weekend. Sometimes Nadia would visit me here, but basically I’ve kept busy every weekend.

Christmas was tough but I had work so I wasn’t at home wallowing, yay! Went to Ayutthaya to spend the evening with my Thailand family. Was lovely.



So, now it 2018 and I really love this country. It’s not the pretty beaches you see on Facebook but it is simple and kind of clean. The people are kind and helpful. The food is great and the water is cheap. The weather gets comfortable and even cold (never thought I’d need a long sleeve top here, always being surprised).

As for the language, ha-ha, well it’s tough and tonal and they speak soooo fast here but I’m pushing on and managing to communicate a little.

Teaching is a lot tougher than back in SA but its fun and different and definitely helping me grow.

Transportation is great, so easy to get around by train or taxi. So yeah, I’m finally happy and settled. I miss my family and my dog soooo much, however I don’t miss the crime and fear of SA. I walk around here, I leave my phone to charge at a shop as I go walk around the market. It’s so safe and peaceful.


I have goals now and hope for a future. I know I’m getting on with age and have absolutely no savings or commitments but I’ve never been so happy and carefree. Traveling a little and meeting new people. It’s what life is about.


So that’s it! I got out of my comfort zone and battled a bit but now I’m happy. That’s what life is all about right?
